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时间:2011-12-21来源:网友提供 作者:徐志摩 点击:

  The fire,and cracks Of sulphurous roaring,the most mighty
  Seem‘d to besiehe,and make his bold waves tremble,Yea his dreae tridents shade.
  (Tem est)
  在这大风涛中,在湖的东岸,龙河(Rhone)合流的附近,在小屿与白沫间,飘浮着一只疲乏的小舟,扯烂的布帆,破碎的尾舵,冲当着巨浪的打击,舟子只是着忙的祷告。乘客也失去了镇定,都已脱卸了外衣,准备与涛澜搏斗。这正是卢骚的故乡,那小舟的历险处又恰巧是玖荔亚与圣潘罗(Julia and St.Preux)遇难的名迹。舟中人有一个美貌的少年是不会泅水的,但他却从不介意他自己的骸骨的安全,他那时满心的忧虑,只怕是船翻时连累他的友人为他冒险,因为他的友人是最不怕险恶的,厄难只是他的雄心的激刺,他曾经狎侮爱琴海与地中海的怒涛,何况这有限的梨梦湖中的掀动,他交叉着手,静看着萨福埃(Savoy)的雪峰,在云罅里隐现。这是历史上一个希有的奇逢,在近代革命精神的始祖神感的胜处,在天地震怒的俄顷,载在同一的舟中。一对共患难的,伟大的诗魂,一对美丽的恶魔,一对光荣的叛儿!
  Tis time this heart should be unmoved,
  Since others it hath ceased to move;
  Yet.though I cannot be beloved.
  still let me love!
  My days are in the yellow leaf;
  The flowers and fruits of love are gone;
  The worm,the canker,and the grief;
  Are mine alone!
  The fire that on my bosom preys
  Is lone as some volcanic isle;
  No torch is kindled at its blaze-
  A funeral pile!
  The hope,the fear,the jealous care,
  The exalted portion of the pain
  And power of love,I cannot share,
  But wear the chain.
  But‘tis not thus-and’tis not here-
  Such thoughts should shake my soul,nor now,
  Where glory decks the hero‘s bier
  Or binds his brow.
  The sword,the banner,and the field,
  Glory and Grace,around me see!
  The Spartan,born upon his shield,
  Was not more free.
  Awake!(not Greece—she is awake!)
  Awake,my spirit!Think through whom
  The life-blood tracks its parent lake,
  And then strike home!
  Tread those reviving passions down;
  Unworthy manhood!-unto thee
  Indifferent should the smile or frown
  Of beauty be.
  If thou regret‘st thy youth,why live;
  The land of honorable death
  Is here:-up to the field,and give